Yesterday morning's suddenly full stomach left me puzzled. How? Why? I had never imagined that such innocent ingredients - flax seed, water and apple - can have this kind of effect. I should mention that the very full stomach somehow called for large 4 cups of green tea (400 ml each). So far, just the prescribed quantities had been enough for me to keep going on the planned path, but now I needed to know more. I went to look for facts and figures about what I actually eat.
I took only my usual proteins. More so, because I suspected that my 'unusual' protein, flax seed, had been the culprit in me not finishing my breakfast.
Isn't it nice to look at all facts side by side :)
My breakfast proteins (note that these are all 57 grams):
My lunch and dinner proteins (note that these are all 114 grams):
While there are many components to nutrition and I am in no way minimising their importance, I looked at the following categories: protein, fiber, fat, sugar and total calories.
Walnut - 8.6 g (hmmm ... I always thought it was higher than almond)
Flax seed - 10.3 g
Almond - 12 g
Egg - 14.8 g
Pumpkin seeds - 17.1 g
Tilapia - 29.6 g
Chicken - 30.8 g
Tuna - 34.2 g
Dietary fiber:
Tilapia - 0 g (As expected)
Chicken - 0 g (As expected)
Tuna - 0 g (As expected)
Egg - 0 g (As expected)
Pumpkin seeds - 3.4 g
Walnut - 4 g (hmmm ... I always thought it was higher than almond)
Almond - 6.8 g
Flax seed - 15.4 g (what?? can that be true??)
Fat (of course all of it is healthy saturated fat):
Tilapia - 3 g
Tuna - 6.8 g
Chicken - 8 g
Egg - 12.5 g
Flax seed - 23.9 g (don't they make flax seed oil? where is that oil content??)
Almond - 27.9 g
Pumpkin seeds 27.9 g
Walnut - 37 g (it does taste oily ... I guess ...)
Tuna - 0 g
Tilapia - 0 g
Chicken - 0 g
Egg - 1.3g (egg has sugar??)
Pumpkin seeds - 0.8 g
Flax seed - 0.9 g
Walnut - 1.5 g
Almond - 2.2 g (at least this one I was correct in my thinking)
Tilapia - 147 (what is tilapia doing at this end???)
Egg - 177
Chicken - 210
Tuna - 210
Flax seed - 304
Pumpkin seeds - 319
Almond - 328
Walnut - 373
Interesting line up ....
Did you see 141% cholesterol behind eggs. If you, like me, at first thought that it can not be possible, then just the tiny * next to Daily Value explains how it the percentage can exceed 100.
AND, I have found the answer to my yesterday's puzzle - 15.6 grams fiber in flax seed compared to my usual 3.4 grams (pumpkin seed) ... 4 grams (walnut) had this unbelievable impact.
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