Monday, 8 September 2014

Freedom from addiction

For a while now I have been aware that my manner of eating things that are made of wheat and/or contain refined sugar has not been healthy and normal. Milk and its derivatives have also an effect on me. My emotions would determine what I eat and later, what I have eaten would have an impact on how I feel. Vicious cycle. If you replace the concept of sugar with alcohol, you would have a more commonly recognized vice! I have looked back at my childhood binges of chocolates and sweets, to the point of stealing them from my brother's locked drawers, pinching from my friend's visitor's displays. The times I would frantically ransack my house for any left over sweets or chocolates or biscuits. And when there is nothing, my cooking and baking skills would allow me to turn anything into a craving satisfying sugary treat. The next morning I would feel horrible for having eaten everything I know I should not have. A feeling of lack of control, just not being able to stop, addicted. Not surprisingly, my weight has done five times each +20kg and -20kg jumps over the past 20 years.

A month ago, in a moment of clarity, I remembered having read an article about a psycologist who deals with food addiction. On August 20, 2014 I stopped eating any food made of or containing any grains, any cane or beat sugar, any potatoes, any dairy, any highly sugary or starchy fruits. Since I love cooking the new list of food ingredients, that I had never looked into, gave me new exciting challenges. I had food quotas I needed to fill up with tasty stuff. Namely:

Breakfast: 284 grams of fresh vegetables, 57 grams of nuts and seeds, 226 grams of fruits
Lunch: 227 grams of fresh vegetables, 227 grams of cooked vegetables, 114 grams of protein
Dinner (no later than 6pm): 227 grams of fresh vegetables 227 grams of cooked vegetables, 114 grams of protein.

These are now my only times to eat. Nothing at all (except water, water with lemon juice or herbal teas) in between.

I will be posting pictures and recipes of my new world of foods.


  1. Looking forward to next posts... Although it would be easier for me if You could prepare some healthy meals for me too...

    1. Just show up at any meal time and you shall have the healthy meal prepared :)
